Monday, December 28, 2009

Home remedy classes at Mysore

Home remedy classes have become very popular today.At ten centres ,morning and evening lot of people came and showed lot of interest to learn al labout self health care,home remedy and about growing herbs in their back yard.It was a unique experience for both the participating doctors and public.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Valedictory of Mannemaddu program

After ten day program of home remedy classes the valedictory was held on 24th November 2009.
Here are two pictures as memeory of such a beautiful evening.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Health awareness program at 10centres in Mysore

Here is a picture from one of the centres which was held in Mysore city.Here one can see Dr.Gajanna Hegde conducting awareness program for the participants at Maulana Azad College.

Home remedies awareness program -GAAMCA,Mysore

THe citizens of Mysore were very eager and they have responded so well to the awareness program conducted by the alumni association of government Ayurveda medical college,Mysore.
It wil lbe held fro m16th

Monday, October 19, 2009

My students and me celebrating deepavali

My students are to me like my family.

Deepavali -precautions a program on E TV

Deepavali is a festival of lights but we need to be cautious while celabrating it.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ayurveda college Mysore celebrates 100 years

Mysore -the heritage city has many things to be proud of.We have an Ayurveda college which was patronised by the erstwhile maharaja of Mysore.
After the centenary celebrations were over the whole team assembled to a grant finale

Thursday, March 26, 2009

panchakarma models

Panchakarma -models

Here are the exhibits from the centenary celebrations of Government Ayurveda medical college Mysore.
Panchakarma which is regaining popularity is being depicted here using models.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

After the program -fond memories

Government Ayurveda medical colelge completed its 100th glorious year and after the celebrations we all had a group picture to cherrish the fond memories,here it is.Take alook and see if u r there and if u r there see if your smile is the biggest ?
Smiling contest

Government Ayurveda medical college

For many days or years to come -this program will be the talk of the town.
Here are some posts all about our college.
give me all your opinions about this and feel free to download all your pictures from here

Monday, January 5, 2009

MRSA infection and Ayurveda

Painful swelling,oozing,swollen skin infection could be caused by Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
Good hygiene inclusive of proper handwashing, showering after exercise covering cuts and abrasions and most important of all not sharing personal things like handkerchief, towels, cosmetics,razors and dresses etc help to prevent MRSA infections.
This infection was very common in certain high-risk populations, including prisons, hospitals, nursing homes, dialysis centers, and people with weakened immune systems but today it has become common in schools,dormitories,daycare centres and otherwise healthy people also.
What does Ayurveda say about infection ?
THat infection spreads when people share personal things,share bed linnen,undergarments, plates,cutlery etc and also other means.It also suggests unique preventive methods and management methods which are worthy of re investigation and adoption.