Thursday, December 14, 2006

Ayurveda -homa therapy

Agnihotra homa aspects from Ayurveda

Can these healing methods really work? Are they scientifically provable? Do these practices help only in treating psychological disorders or do they mean much more? Why did our seers give these rituals so much of importance? What could these Vedic rituals mean today — in this scientific era of CT scan, atomic energy, exploration & expedition to Mars? From ancient times, Ayurveda & Vedic sciences have made significant contributions to the world civilization, culture and knowledge in all areas of human pursuits. These contributions, mostly unknown to the wider world, are often un-acknowledged and this wisdom often distorted. Their ideas require attention for better understanding and appreciation of the human past. Homa is a collective term for the various Vedic techniques used in the purification of the atmosphere: (yainas, yvharutis and Agnihotra.) The healing and purifying effect of Homa was used in the ancient Vedic system of knowledge, in spheres such as bioenergetics, psychotherapy, medicine, agriculture, including biogenetics, climate technology and interplanetary communication.
Today it is obvious that we live in an age of massive ecological and psycho-spiritual pollution. The ancients called this Kalki age. (Kalki is Sanskrit for pollution). Without human intervention, the Earth is no longer able to recover from the disturbance of the ecosystem. ‘Agnihotra's (also a type of Homa) meaning is derived from two words; ‘agni' or ‘fire', and ‘hotra' or ‘healing'. All factors in the ritual play an important role.
At both sunrise and sunset dried cow dung, ghee, and rice are burnt in a pyramid-shaped copper receptacle of a prescribed size, along with the chanting of a mantra. During the burning the pyramid shape and the copper act like a generator to produce negative ions which have a harmonizing effect on both the environment and human well being. The healing energies and substances which come into being during the combustion of the initial organic material are released into the atmosphere though some also remain in the ash. a) Cow dung contains a substance similar to penicillin, which has a disinfecting effect and reduces bacteria that cause disease. In all ancient cultures cow dung was used to combat a whole series of illnesses its property of reducing radioactive radiation is described in Vedic writings. After the Chernobyl catastrophe (refer to author's article-"Answers from Ayurveda to the problems of Chernobyl-published) a group of scientists experimented in Yugoslavia with Agnihotra and after discovering that there was no longer any sign of radioactivity in the immediate vicinity, following the combustion of the required ingredients in the copper pyramid.
In the area bordering the Soviet Union people threatened by radioactive fallout sealed their huts with cow dung and was thus able to protect them from radiation. It is also known that NASA's manned space capsules are coated with a thin layer of cow dung to protect them against radiation. b) Ghee also has properties of detoxification. During combustion, nutrients for plants are released in both fine and coarse forms Ghee undergoes many chemical combinations and dissolves toxic compounds. It is the only substance known to modern science, which defies certain laws of chemistry: when ghee is burned under ideal conditions its weight does not alter. c) Rice has a balancing yin and yang effect. Many ethereal oils are released during the process of combustion and chemical reactions are set off. d) The mantra sung at sunrise and sunset stands, as mentioned, in resonance with the biorhythm. The notes, which are chanted, activate special vibrations, which create a specific atmosphere aimed at achieving the desired results. Such vibrations exist for everything, and everything can be activated, controlled and transformed by mantras.
The atoms structure themselves anew. When mantras are chanted during Homa, the vibrations of the mantras are enclosed in the ash, and the ash as the medium for these vibrations is even more effective in achieving the aspired goal. The purification of the atmosphere through Homa leads to an intensification of the life energy (prana); not only does it influence the physical health of all living things, but also the human psychic constitution.
The state of the psyche is directly dependent on the quantity and quality of the prana available; thus the intensified absorption of prana has a positive effect on the psyche. In the Homa atmosphere psychic tensions are set aside. Those who regularly practice Agnihotra soon experience a decrease in anger and greed; mood changes are less vehement and one feels calmer altogether. Why does Agnihotra have a positive effect on the deplorable ecological situation? As well as enriching the surroundings of the Agnihotra pyramid with nutrients, the fire technique induces a powerful energy field, which neutralizes negative energy types and strengthens positive ones. The Agnihotra smoke binds detrimental bits of radiation in the atmosphere and neutralizes their radioactive effect.
In Agnihotra nothing is destroyed, only transformed. In a polluted environment the elements of the earth begin to change: the structure of the chemical elements and their connection to molecules are restructured. These fine material changes during Agnihotra can be seen with the help of Kirlian photography.The entire ecosystem benefits from the use of Homa. Plants in the Homa atmosphere develop cylindrical veins (vascular tissue or bundles) with an above average diameter. Through these optimized "pipes" water and nutrients can reach all parts of the plant more easily, which supports their growth and reproduction. The Homa atmosphere also fosters both the photosynthesis in the leaves and the respiration of the plant, thereby fostering the entire oxygen cycle. The Agnihotra smoke works as a catalyst for the production of chlorophyll. The roots of the plants remain small due to their optimal absorbency and the excellent nutrients in the ground.As a result the vegetables and fruits grown in a Homa atmosphere are of an outstanding quality with respect to texture, taste, color and size of kernel or seed. The energy field produced in the process of Agnihotra, which can be proved with Kirlian photography, stimulates the plants to maximum growth and maximum yield. Fruit trees bear fruit, which is twice as big, with twice as much fruit; the fruit of pear trees is sweeter. When Agnihotra is carried out nearby, some fruits begin to accelerate their cycle of reproduction and yield more seeds, which also germinate more easily. Oranges are ideal for experimentation with Agnihotra as, like mandarins, they show rapid and good results. It is clear that pests don't have much of a chance with such healthy plants, which are able to protect themselves in natural ways. If harmful insects do persist in the garden or the fields, a mixture of Agnihotra ash, dry cow dung and water sprayed on both the ground and the plants helps.An important part of the work in the garden or on the field is the introduction of air and Homa ash into the ground. Not only does this enrich the ground with life-fostering vibrations, it also helps to stabilize the amount of potassium, nitrogen and trace elements in the ground. Earthworms also multiply faster due to a rise in the hormone production, guaranteeing more humidity and humus. Bees too are attracted by Homa energies, and with their help achieve their pollination even more efficiently. Bees produce a particular hormone in the Homa atmosphere, which, if consumed in honey, strengthens the human immune system. In the area of Alto Huallaga, an organic and ecological technique called Homa Therapy is being applied in the rejuvenation of the crops of the region, substantially reducing the existence of different pathogenic agents. As a consequence, plagues and sicknesses were eradicated, the yield of the harvest was increased, the fruit grew healthy with better color, taste, weight, texture, etc. Since many years ago efforts have been made to try to get out of the situation of emergency concerning the health of plants with methods such as: cultural control, chemical control, biological control, legal control, etc., without having achieved any success. The main idea is: "Heal the atmosphere and it will heal you". Agnihotra is a scientific process of purification of the atmosphere with the agency of cosmic element -fire, it creates pure nutritional and medicinal atmosphere and prevents growth of pathogenic bacteria. The subtle vibrations emanating from it creates and fills the surroundings with love, peace and purity. The atmosphere improves family relationship, health of children by causing a soothing calming effect on them.
Agnihotra can be performed daily by anyone who wishes to be happy and prosperous irrespective of religion, caste, creed, class, color, nationality, age, sex etc. as it's a savior for it's a answer all problems posed universally by present day stress and strain. So Agnihotra could be utilized with much more benefits in following conditions – 1) Labor rooms before and after conducting deliveries 2) Operation theatres -before and after surgeries 3) In intensive care units before admission and after discharge of a patient 4) In wards where patients are treated with compromised states of immunity. 5) In-patient wards where chronic respiratory conditions, terminal stages of cancer, all stages of AIDS, are being treated.
These methods have been proven to create sterile, hygienic atmospheres, conducive to faster recovery of all sorts of ailments and at a very miniscule cost. In epidemics, poor hygienic conditions polluted environment etc, by suitably adopting Agnihotra Homa. One could prevent many ills as this is very cost effective, natural and is a locally available alternative. Regularly practice or being present in the atmosphere of Agnihotra has been found to have very soothing and therapeutic effect on alcoholic and drug addicts.
The practice of Agnihotra gives a strong push to the mind in the positive direction, promotes pure thoughts, bestows mental peace, stability, tranquility prevails in the atmosphere, imparts power of wisdom, increases intelligence, devotion to attain higher goals and also physical strength. Should we not readopt the last principles into Ayurveda to make it as meaningful as in the original?
This article is for educational purposes only, and is not intended to treat, diagnose or prescribe. It in no way is intended to substitute for care from duly licensed health professionals.
First published at the below link

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