Friday, September 5, 2008

Honey is money

Practising Ayurveda from many years I recommend and have realised it is more valuable in medicine as suggested in Ayurveda many centuries ago.Here are some home remedies for youRegular intake of honey, gives energy, freshness and enhances immunity against diseases. It removes disorders related to respiratory system, asthma, digestive system and skin.It purifies blood, removes cough decreases cholesterol and improves digestion.If you are on the obese side take honey in warm water with or without lemon juice early morning ,if you are thin and wish to put on weight consume it with warm milk.Honey is a valuable support for building haemoglobin in the blood, due largely to its iron, copper and manganese content. It is beneficial in the treatment of anaemia as it helps maintain the right balance of haemoglobin and red blood corpuscles.Take honey with raisins or saffron daily.Or consume honey with a little bit of ghee or just honey.The use of honey is highly beneficial in the treatment of irritating cough. As a demulcent or soothing agent, it produces a soothing effect on the inflamed mucus membrane of the upper respiratory tract and relieves irritating cough and symptoms like difficulty in swallowing. For this reason, it is used in the manufacture of various cough mixtures. Honey gargles are also useful in irritant cough.Pepper powder or clove powder(1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon)with 1-2 spoons of honey with tulsi leaf juice is very beneficial.Honey is valuable in keeping the mouth healthy. Applied daily over the teeth and gums, it cleans and gives sparkle to the teeth. It helps prevents deposit of tarter at the base of the teeth and decay and early falling of the teeth. Being a mild antiseptic it helps prevents the growth of harmful micro-organisms.Apply honey 3-4 times on your oral ulcer,it just heals.In cases of ulcers in the oral cavity, honey helps early healing and in preventing further sepsis. In addition gargling with honey water is very useful in gingivitis due to inflammation of the gums.Gargle using water mixed with 1-2 spoons of honey,2-3 times a day.Honey is especially useful in providing energy and heat to the body in old age. It dries up the phlegm and clears the system of mucus to which a person generally falls victim to in old age. One or two teaspoonful of honey in a cupful of boiled water that has been cooled to lukewarm is a refreshing and strengthening drink.Eating papaya fruit with honey helps prevent aging as per Ayurveda.

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